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Author: Amanda

Overall Recharge for Your Best Self

Overall Recharge for Your Best Self

Do you feel tired or drained? If so, chances are that you need to recharge your mind, body, and soul. Being healthy and having an overall wellbeing is important and as you listen to yourself and recharge your life, you will feel better. There are some days that are very repetitive and some that are super stressful. Things might happen all day and you might not even get a break until almost bedtime. When this happens, it can wear you…

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Get Rid of Fear and Listen to Yourself

Get Rid of Fear and Listen to Yourself

Fear can get the best of everyone here and there but if you find that you’re unable to listen to your intuition because of fear then something has to change. Everyone has to get to the point where they learn to accept their spiritual self, and this is deeper than just listening to your intuition. Trusting your intuition is one thing that can help you but if you are full of fear or if you feel crazy for your trust…

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Overthinking Life

Overthinking Life

It is hard in life when you come to a point where you have to make a decision on which way you are going to go. Most people will spend so much time overthinking a decision that they have to make, and they will listen o the opinions of everyone without finding the real answer. Making the Best Decision When this kind of thing happens, it is because most of the time the person has decided that one decision feels…

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Make Changes and Boost Positivity

Make Changes and Boost Positivity

Being in a home full of negativity can cause you to feel bad about your life. It can bring on stress and anxiety and take out positivity that you need. Here are some ways to be positive in your life: Open the Windows Open the windows and the doors and let fresh air come in. This can also let in the sun which can also boost your energies. Go Barefoot Going barefoot helps you to earth yourself. This is a…

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Sound to Reach Your Awakening

Sound to Reach Your Awakening

People love to sing. Sometimes they only sing at home by themselves or in their car when they are driving. Some will sing in the shower, but others will sing any chance that they get. Singing can be a creation and no matter what other people think of your singing, your singing and your sound is important. If you are sick and you sing, you will find that even if your body is ill, your soul can be full of…

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When You Aren’t Empathic

When You Aren’t Empathic

There are no perfect people, and everyone has their own personality traits, both good and bad. Some have better qualities than others. There are people that are open and that have what is considered healthy personality traits and others have a hard time being kind, loving and honest. Personality traits play a big role in who we are and if you have personality traits that are lacking goodness, chances are that you will have a hard time connecting with other…

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How to Manifest Good Things in Life

How to Manifest Good Things in Life

If you believe in yourself, chances are you can make things happen. Manifesting is kind of the same thing. Manifesting means that you can use positive thoughts and messages in order to make things happen for you. Manifesting helps to get rid of doubt and helps you to be encouraged to do your best to get what you want. You can even use different kinds of mantras that are positive to help you change your mindset so that you can…

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Why is Water Important?

Why is Water Important?

Water is important to life on earth, and it is very mysterious. It has been around for thousands of years and is an element that is more than the physical but can be spiritual as well. There is a spiritual significance to water and it plays a role in the dreams that you have and in astrology. What is Water? Water is what helps to sustain life. Water is a substance that keeps people, plants, and animals alive. It allows…

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Improving Your Spiritual Self

Improving Your Spiritual Self

Having strong spiritual health is one of the most important things that you can have to make sure that you are strong and have wellness in your life. People that have a strong spiritual self tend to know what their purpose is, and they have goals that they reach. Spiritual health will allow you to have peace and to be able to be around other people to enjoy life. How can you help to make sure that your spiritual self…

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What Does a White Aura Mean?

What Does a White Aura Mean?

The energy that surrounds your body is your aura. Everything that lives has energy. Depending on how you feel and what energy you are emitting will depend on the color that your aura is. Most people cannot see their aura with their eyes, and it can be harder for them to figure out what their aura color is. There are different shades and colors of the aura, and the white aura is a very strong aura. Auras are always changing,…

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